Do your part

As a Zvago SAP member, and in the spirit of cooperative life, you’ll find many ways to contribute your time and talents.

Join one of these Standing Committees and affiliated Service Groups that keep our community running and affordable. There are also less formal ways to participate: helping to arrange flowers in the common spaces, overseeing the co-op’s website, organizing our annual Poetry Month event, and preparing morning coffee, to name just a few.

However you choose to pitch in, there’s a place for you here.

Building and Grounds Standing Committee and its service groups

Building (including our Fitness Room, Garage, Makerspace, Safety and Security)


Common Spaces


Technology & Website

Cooperative Living Standing Committee and its service groups

Hospitality/Guest Suite


Waste Reduction

Finance Standing Committee and its service group

Replacement and Refurbishment

Marketing Standing Committee

Policy and Procedures Standing Committee

We count on all of our members to take part in the life and work of our cooperative. Join us!